Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We all hope that the hand of God will take my father-in-law soon! Mike Byrne is slowly dying of terminal cancer and hasn't had much food and no water for four days. The end is very near and it is very hard on his family to see this disease take another family member. It just wears on us all. Even my five year old daughter just sat on the couch in front of his bed, just staring. With her favorite T.V. show on, she paid no attention. When asked by her mother what she was doing, she just replied, "I'm just sad Mommy, to know that grandpa is going to die soon" Frail, weak and not at all conscious, is not what I would want such an intelligent and caring man to be seen. But, do you walk away? No, of course not. Should the childern see such a sight? Yes, they should. But, they should also be comforted by their parents that life must go on. We cannot dwell in our own sad emotions. Nor try to dilute our emotions with the usual... That would be selfish and cowardly. Yes, I said it before when I lost Grandpa Julio, we must be strong in order to survive. Yes, we should be thankful for what we have in these trying times. It just makes it more difficult when someone you love cannot say "Thank You" for being by the bedside.



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