Friday, August 20, 2010

Reflections of the night

The College of The Canyons Race Series ended last night, thank God! I have been in plenty of 5Ks over the years and did all but 2 of these races this summer. But, last night was the true test after the week I had. Here is the early "Week in Review":

I started off the week on Sunday meeting with the Santa Clarita Runners Club to run a 10 mile course in training the upcoming marathon in November. All was going well, until I got lost. I didn't stay with the pack. No big deal, I had the map so I got back on track. Good run, felt great. Until....I came upon the last few miles in Stevenson Ranch. This is where I saw a guy coming south on The Old Road making a right onto Stevenson Ranch Parkway. I thought he was not part of our group so I followed to keep up. He seemed to be one of those gangly type of runners. The type you read about, fast and tough. Okay, I thought, I am tough too! So, we proceeded down the road towards Pico Canyon, he took one side of the street while I on the other. We were both running side by side battling it out like we were vying for position. I could only see him in the corner of my eye, but he kept pressing. I would burst a little further ahead knowing it bothered him. He was very strong all the way. We approached Pico Cyn when I noticed the ladies in our group came back from their own side route in Mentryville. One of the gals saw him and yelled out "you are late!" They all laughed and turned around back towards the finish at Granary Square. Pooped out at this point, I figured I would join in with them, after my water break. I remember last time the hidden water bottles were by the bus stop. Damn! They were not there! Almost spent, I sucked it up and chased the ladies and the lone runner. I come to find out at the end that he is the "Forrest Gump" of the Santa Clarita Valley!! Dan is his name and he mentioned to me in the parking lot that we had a nice little chase together. I really felt inspired, especially after attending church later that morning. What a great DAY!

Monday was a different story. In preparation for the Thursday night final, I decided to kill myself on Towsley Canyon Loop. It is a 5 mile mountain trail that is one of my favorites. But, not in 90 plus degree afternoon heat! Still, I was wondering why I was way too slow. Oh well, I thought, maybe I texted my daughter too much at the top? I didn't think too much about it.

Tuesday & Wednesday were off days. This is why I was slow! Whenever the kids get sick, I follow suit. Why does my wife never get sick? Because mothers and teachers are tough as nails and they need to be healthy to take care of the young!!! I started to get really pissed. thinking that I better just man up, suck it up and charge forward and quit complaining. Damn, this machismo stuff can be addicting!

Thursday evening---I stood there very quiet at the starting line with my new friends. BANG! We were off! I sprinted the length of the baseball field and turned the corner with a comfortable position. Was doing great at the first mile. a little over 6 minute mile pace. Keep this up, and I might break 20 minutes! Yeah, right!!! The heat, the dust, the head cold, and that damn Claritan D! Word to the wise: no matter how congested you are, do not take a decongestant before any demanding activities. Yes, I was able to breathe again. But, with that clearing up in my head my body was suffering from dehydration. I should've just had a shot of Patron! The final mile was fast but torture. I really began to think way too much about life; my past, present and future. Just run you idiot! Cotton mouth, cramping right calve and pounding head got me to the track for the final push. I would really need to dig deep here in order to meet my goal. All I could remember on the final turn was one of the track coaches yelling and pushing me along. I gave out a thunderous scream which got her attention! She loved it! I came across the finish line at 20:29 (?) Almost the same as my best time. Sitting there with my head in my hands wondering "is this all there is?" I contemplated getting up and getting my complimentary In-and-Out cheeseburger. No, not yet! I realized that there was a Cougars football practice going on! God I love football! I brought myself up, staggered to the burger line and thought to myself, "why do I do this?" Just like I have always thought when mountain biking and looking at the huge hill that I am about to climb, I do it because it is there.

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At August 20, 2016 at 4:29 PM , Blogger Tony Cota said...

Man, this was 6 years ago??


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