Monday, October 25, 2010

Race Director meeting

Last Friday, I had the pleasure to be invited over to a gentleman's house who I have known for a few years now. We were having a meeting regarding an annual charity 5K run held in March that benefits our local church. It is a St. Patrick's Day trail run at Mentryville in the Santa Clarita valley. I knew that someday I was going to be crowned "Race Director", but didn't know that this was the year. I am very honored to be selected. I understand it will require many hours of planning and coordination to make sure this event goes through smoothly. I was assured that I will have plenty of help to get through this. I know I have the resources so I'm not too worried. This older gentleman has always made me feel comfortable and I look up to him very much. He bears the first name of my father-in-law who had passed away two years ago to that terrible cancer. He also comes from the same country of my father-in-law. This being said, I walk up to his front door with some meeting refreshments. Guinness beer to be exact. I'm told to have a seat and he came back to me with a couple of glasses and said, in his Irish accent, "wouldn't you like to try another type of beer?" I'm not one to turn down an offer, so I obliged. He returns with Boddingtons. An English pint of beer that tasted so good, we had to have another. He insisted that I take that Guinness home for myself...doctors orders. I thought doctors orders? Yes, back in Ireland, it used to be prescribed by physicians to patients of low weight and perhaps needed more vitamins. Kind of reminded me of that old I Love Lucy-Vitaminavegitan episode! "Its so tasty too!"

Today I started making the necessary calls and I am very eager to take the appropriate steps to make this event a success. Funny thing, I still would like to race this course! Why not? I still have times to beat. Perhaps this will ease my nerves on race day.
